Jinko, Tesla, Fronius with Battery

Jinko, Tesla, Fronius with Battery

Panel, Inverter + Battery Deal

Tesla Home Battery Package

  • Jinko Panels: Known for their efficiency and durability,  Jinko are a solid choice for solar power generation.
  • Fronius Inverter: This inverter is highly regarded for its quality and flexibility, being “battery ready” to easily integrate with storage solutions like the Tesla Powerwall. It allows for intelligent energy management, optimizing the use of solar power and battery storage.
  • Tesla Powerwall: A leading battery storage system, the Powerwall stores excess solar energy for use during nighttime or outages, offering a reliable backup and enhancing energy independence.

Together, this setup is ideal for those looking to reduce reliance on the grid or go completely off-grid, providing both power generation and storage in one efficient system.


  • 6.6kw
  • 8.8kw

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